Saturday, January 24, 2009

Here are links to some films well worth watching, courtesy of

Shedding Light on the Gaza ‘Siege’
Flash Film
Time: 2 minutes
Date: June 2008
Subject: Who is really responsible for the suffering in Gaza? Are the media telling the truth when they blame Israel?
Cycle of Violence?
Flash Film
Time: 2 minutes
Date: March 2008
Subject: Israel's attempts to defend herself should never be equated with Palestinian acts of terrorism. There is no cycle of violence.
Seven Years on the Front Lines
Flash Film
Time: 2 minutes
December 2007
Subject: HonestReporting has been fighting media bias for seven years. See what a difference we can make together.
New Media, Same Old Bias
Flash Film
Time: 98 seconds
September 2007
Subject: Millions of people now get their news through the Internet. HonestReporting has developed a variety of cutting edge tools to promote fair and accurate reporting about the Middle East — wherever people get their information.
"Relentless" is an important documentary for anyone interested in learning the truth about the Middle East conflict.
– Alan Dershowitz
American civil rights libertarian, Harvard University law professor, Leading Defence Attorney, and Author of "The Case for Israel"
15 Seconds
Flash Film
Time: 90 seconds
June 2007
Subject: In Sderot, children have just 15 seconds to take cover. Is the media covering this story accurately?
Are There Two Sides to Every Story?
Flash Film
Time: 90 seconds
March 2007
Subject: Israeli construction in Jerusalem's Old City is both legal and in accordance with international standards. So why do the media keep repeating unfounded claims?
Demand Accuracy
Flash Film
Time: 2 minutes
December 2006
Subject: HonestReporting's look back at the media's coverage of Israel in 2006.
Back To School
Flash Film
Time: 90 seconds
September 2006
Subject: As Palestinian children head back to school, are they being educated for peace or for violence?
Flash Film
Time: 2.5 minutes
September 2006
Subject: Was it the Israeli military response to terror or the media's coverage of the conflict itself that was "Disproportionate"?
Lebanon: Myths and Facts
Flash Film
Time: 2.5 minutes
August 2006
Subject: A brief overview of the myths and facts surrounding Israel’s 2006 conflict with Hezbollah.
Stand Up
Flash Film
Time: 90 Seconds
September 2005
Subject: A call to action for fair treatment in the media regarding the use of the word "terror" and the portrayal of terrorism in Israel.
How Far Will They Go
Flash Film
Time: 60 seconds
August 2005
Subject: The media's portrayal of synagogue desecration after the Gaza withdrawal.
Five Years on the Front Lines
Flash Film
Time: 2 Minutes
April 2005
Subject: A brief overview of HonestReporting's first five years
Arafat's Dark Legacy
Flash Film
Time: 60 seconds
November, 2004
Subject: A brief overview of Arafat's Dark Legacy