Flash Film Time: 2 minutes Date: March 2008 Subject: Israel's attempts to defend herself should never be equated with Palestinian acts of terrorism. There is no cycle of violence. |
Flash Film Time: 2 minutes December 2007 Subject: HonestReporting has been fighting media bias for seven years. See what a difference we can make together. |
Flash Film Time: 90 seconds June 2007 Subject: In Sderot, children have just 15 seconds to take cover. Is the media covering this story accurately? |
Flash Film Time: 2 minutes December 2006 Subject: HonestReporting's look back at the media's coverage of Israel in 2006. |
Flash Film Time: 90 seconds September 2006 Subject: As Palestinian children head back to school, are they being educated for peace or for violence? |
Flash Film Time: 2.5 minutes September 2006 Subject: Was it the Israeli military response to terror or the media's coverage of the conflict itself that was "Disproportionate"? |
Flash Film Time: 2.5 minutes August 2006 Subject: A brief overview of the myths and facts surrounding Israel’s 2006 conflict with Hezbollah. |
Flash Film Time: 90 Seconds September 2005 Subject: A call to action for fair treatment in the media regarding the use of the word "terror" and the portrayal of terrorism in Israel. |
Flash Film Time: 60 seconds August 2005 Subject: The media's portrayal of synagogue desecration after the Gaza withdrawal. |
Flash Film Time: 2 Minutes April 2005 Subject: A brief overview of HonestReporting's first five years |
Flash Film Time: 60 seconds November, 2004 Subject: A brief overview of Arafat's Dark Legacy |