Friday, January 23, 2009

BBC - biased broadcasting corporation?

Is the BBC now actually being run by Hamas?

I ask this because the far from neutral news channel has now gone way beyond bias and is actually little more than a mouthpiece for the terrorist group. Check out its comments on Hamas:

"Branded a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US and the EU, it is seen by its supporters as a legitimate fighting force defending Palestinians from a brutal military occupation".

Er, hello??? The BBC is determined to make it sound as though defining Hamas as 'terrorists' is a mere matter of subjective opinion! In fact, it is objective, verifiable reality that Hamas openly states it aims to kill Jews across the globe and, certainly, leave the middle east 'bathed in jewish blood'.

Hamas publicly boasts about using human shields, as well as training children as young as four to hate Jews. Indeed, the highest honour that Hamas affords anyone is that they become a 'shahid' or 'martyr to allah' - in other words, that they die during a suicide mission in Israel. Or as most sane beings would put it: TERRORISM.

Not content with trying to sanitize Hamas, the BBC is now also quite happy to MISstate history:

"Hamas also has a long-term aim of establishing an Islamic state on all of historic Palestine - most of which has been contained within Israel's borders since its creation in 1948."

This is utter rubbish. Quite apart from anything else, Jordan takes up 82% of what was Palestine, and was established years before Israel. But the BBC is now clearly so determined to demonise Israel and justify Palestinian terrorism, that it doesn't balk at totally fabricating history.

If you want to read more partisan garbage which is being presented as 'fact', then follow this link to the BBC. Better make sure you have a bucket on standby, for if you're anything like me, you'll experience a violent need to vomit after spending more than ten minutes reading the Palestinian Propaganda at this site.