Friday, January 23, 2009

When Bombs Are More Precious Than Children

Ever seen a music video which teaches that bombs are more precious than children?

Probably not.

But Palestinians in Gaza are seeing it. Palestinian *children*, to be specific. For this is what appears in a Hamas video. A five year old girl discovers that her mother was a suicide bomber, and then sings:

"Now I know what was more precious than us."

She then swears to follow in her mother's footsteps

- as a suicide bomber.

And sadly, this is not unique. Rather, it is merely one in an array of vile messages appearing regularly on Hamas TV. The sole purpose is to 'teach' children the Hamas values.

A few other choice gems appearing on Hamas TV including:

a music video depicting a boy's transition from childhood to adulthood, climaxing in his heroic Martyrdom death; a puppet show promising world Islamic supremacy, death of infidels and the conversion of the White House into a mosque; and a talk show segment featuring kindergarten kids marching in military formation, brandishing weapons and calling for Jihad and Martyrdom.

To view the actual film and read more, check out